Before you ship with DHL Express, it's important to check whether your goods are accepted for carriage. If you are unsure or need additional information on country-specific regulations, please contact DHL Experts.

What are prohibited items?

Prohibited items are never accepted for carriage. See the full list here
A fur coat
A fur coat
A pack of cigarettes
A pack of cigarettes
Plant seeds
Plant seeds

What are restricted items?

Restricted items are accepted for carriage only upon prior written agreement between you and DHL. See the full list here
Art of any value
Art of any value
An electronic cigarette
An electronic cigarette
Jewelry over EUR 5,000
Jewelry over EUR 5,000

What are dangerous goods?

A type of restricted items, dangerous goods are any substances or materials that can pose an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property. Dangerous goods are accepted for carriage upon prior approval by DHL and with additional precautions. Learn more about dangerous goods here
A bottle of perfume
A bottle of perfume
Dry ice
Dry ice


Unsure or curious about other aspects of shipping with DHL? Browse shipping guides or learn more about DHL services and tools.


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